Check out this video to learn about 3 drills to warm up and practice attacking in pairs.
Watch the next videos of this program to find drills for three players.
For these exercises you will need a ball and a net.
Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K
In this video, you will learn how to do a warm-up drill for two people, practising attacking with a ball.
The three exercises are: throwing while stood on one leg, spiking, and spiking at the net.
First up, throwing while balanced on one leg.
The aim of this exercise is to warm up your supporting foot, shoulders, and your attacking arm.
Stand a few meters away from your partner.
If you are right-handed, balance on your left leg. Bend your right leg and slightly lift your foot up behind you.
Aim at your partner with your left hand, bring your right arm back behind your head and throw the ball straight to your partner.
Repeat this exercise 10 times.
To make the exercise more difficult, bounce the ball between you and your partner.
Next up, spiking.
Stay in the same position but with your two feet on the ground.
This time, throw the ball into the air above your head.
If you are right-handed put your left foot forward.
On its way down, hit the ball towards the floor between you and your partner, as if it were an attack.
To find out more, check out our video "attacking/spiking".
Next up, spiking at the net.
Stand in front of the net 2 metres away from the sideline.
Your partner should stand next to the sideline, 2 to 3 metres away from you so they can get a good run-up.
Throw the ball up in the shape of an arch between you and the sideline.
Your partner takes their run-up, then jumps and spikes the ball as it starts to fall.
The aim of this exercise is to practice setting up an attack.
Concentrate on your run-up and your jump.
Hit the ball softly, then gradually increase the strength of your spikes. Have a good warm-up!
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