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Excercise: returning and controlling with a bump pass

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To defend efficiently, practice the basic game situations, returning with a forearm pass and controlling with a bump pass.

You will fnd more exercises to practice defense in our complete program.

You need two players for this exercise.

Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K

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In this video, you are gong to work on your bump passes

We'll look at two different situations: returning with a bump pass, and controlling the ball with a bump

Firstly return the ball with a bump

Stand between the baseline and the 3 metre line

If you have a partner, he or she stands in front of the net facing you on the same side of the court.

You partner takes the ball and throws you a two-handed overhead pass towards the ground.

Adjust your body position to be able to make a bump pass

Return the ball towards your partner's head

Repeat this sequence several times to master the technique.

Secondly, control with a bump.

Stand as before.

This time, when you receive the ball, control it with a bump pass, sending it just over your head.

Then return it to your partner with an overhand pass, at head-height

You should try to move a little as possible when carrying out your bump controll - overhand pass sequence.

Repeat the sequence several times to perfect your control of the ball.

Keeping work on your bump passes in a stationary position to be able to do it well in matches. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Exercise: how to control an attack.
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