Moving efficiently is very important in volleyball, practice receiving the ball while in movement to improve your game.
Watch our program to learn the basics of volleyball.
You will need three players and several volley ball to do the exercises shown in this video.
Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K
In this video you will learn a drill to practice moving to receive the ball
You will need to two partners
During this exercise, be sure to follow these two steps: move and position yourself, turn and hit
First, moving and positioning yourself
Stand around 6 metres from the net in the middle of the court
The first partner stands in the middle of your side of the court at the net, as setter
The second partner stands a server anywhere behind the opposite baseline
Once in place, they serve the ball to you wherever the wish
Run and sidestep to where the ball will land.
You should already be in position before you receive the ball
Secondly, turn and hit the ball
Before sending the ball to your setter partner, turn your body to face them in order to execute an overhand or bump pass.
They shouldn't have to move much, or ideally not at all, in order to catch the ball
Do a first sequence of 4 serves, asking your partner to serve one by one to your right, your left, in front of you, and behind you.
Then try receiving 4 serves which are aimed at a random
Over to you!
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