In this video you will learn about the basic rules of volley-ball,
This is the first video in our series of Volley Ball videos, designed to teach you everything you need to know to get started! Keep watching for more free videos.
The official rules of the International Volley Ball Federation (IFVB)
Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K
In this video, you will learn volleyball rules.
Volleyball is played on a rectangular field of 18 by 9m, surrounded by an unobstructed area.
It is divided in two by a net and has a 'front' zone of 3 metres' width on each side of the net.
The height of the net is 2m43 for males and 2m24 for females.
Two antennae or 'rods' are attached to the net above the sidelines . The rods pass 80cm vertically upfrom the sidelines and mark the boundaries for where the ball can be played
To play, two teams of 6 players rally the ball to each other over the net, between the rods.
The ball can touch the net during its passage.
The teams play 3 sets against one another upto 25 points. In the case of a5th set, it is played upto 15 points.
A winning team needs at least 2 clear points to win a set.
A team scores a point in two instances:
When the ballhits the ground on the opponent's side of the court
or when a team is unable to return the ball or commits a foul.
To know more, watch our video titled 'basic fouls'.
Each game begins with a serve hit with the hand
The team which receives the ball is entitled to three touches with the ball before sending it back. All parts of the body can be used.
A single player does not have the right to touch the ball twice in a row
If the team which served wins the point, they keep the same server
If the receiving team wins the point, it wins the the serve. and Its players rotate clockwise
To learn more, watch our video titled 'Knowing the zones, the positions and the roles of players'.
You are now familiar with the basic rules of volleyball...Over to you!
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