Get involved

Sikana would not exist without the invaluable contributions of volunteers who help us design and disseminate our programs every day.

As a volunteer, you can participate in the production of educational programs across the entire creation process: writing, production, dubbing, dissemination and IT.

If you are inspired by a cause, jump on the bandwagon and join our team!

Translate and subtitle our videos

Volunteer working

According to UNESCO, 70% of free educational content is available only in English.

Help us translate our educational programs in your native tongue or dialect to make them accessible to the widest possible audience.

Our network of partners will disseminate the content in areas deprived of internet, electricity and basic facilities.

Check out Fatory, our collaborative translation and subtitling tool:

Join Factory

Contribute to a project

We are constantly on the lookout for passionate volunteers. Take a look at some of the projects that might interest you:


Your support and contribution are indispensable for us to disseminate the content for free and without ads.

Donate to Sikana

It enables us to afford our servers as well as the development and maintenance of our collaborative tools.

Donations are eligible for tax deduction.

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