Learn how to attack in motion, get back into position and manage your energy.
Check out our program to find more program to practice attacking.
You will need 3 chairs, or hoops, and 3 players to do this exercise.
Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K
In this video, you'll be practising attacking, or spiking, in motion
The aim of this exercise is to learn how to get back into position and manage fatigue to attack
Position 3 chairs or hoops to create 3 target areas in the oppost half-court
The first in position 1, at the back-left , the second in position 6 at the back centre, the third in position 5 at the back-right
Position yourself just in front of the attack line facing the net
Your partner stands near to the net, around 3 metres from your point of attack
They throw the ball in a high arc at the net front of you
Run, jump and hit the ball towards zone 1
Get back into position immediately, and carry on with a new attack in the direction of zone 6
Get back into position and continue with a last attack towards zone 5
Recover and do a few sets of 3 attacks to learn how to manage your energy levels
Next, modify this exercise to learn how to make last-minute decisions
Do the 3 attacks one after the other, but this time your partner calls out the target zone as they throw
Don't forget to manage your breathing to stay clear-headed and to guarantee a good run up. Over to you!
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