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Exercise: blocking game

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Here are two fun game to practice blocking and readjusting your position as fast as possible

Watch the rest of our program to find more fun games to practice volleyball.

You need 5 volley balls and 3 players to play this game.

Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K

They contributed
Sophie92 - Sikana
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In this video, you are going to discover two games designed to improve your blocking.

You will need two partners.

Here are two exercises for block whilst adjusting your positioning as quickly as possible: blocking to the right or left, then blocking whilst observing.

Firstly, how to block to the right or left.

Your two partners stand on the other side of the court, close to the net, 2 metres apart, each equipped with a ball.

Stand approximately 30cm away from the net, in between both of your partners.

The partner on your left is going to throw the ball away from themselves and over the net.

Move sideways, jump and block by tapping the ball back to your opponents.

Quickly return to your original position before it’s the turn of the partner to your right to throw their ball

Move sideways, jump, block and move back to your original position.

Carry out 4 to 6 blocks in a row.

Then try routine in which your partners throw the ball randomly to your left or right, calling out the direction of the throw at the last moment.

Secondly, how to block whilst observing.

Stand approximately 30cm away from the net.

Your first partner stands one or two metres behind you.

Your second partner positions themselves on the other side of the net as an attacker.

The partner standing behind you throws the ball above and over you towards the net and the attacker.

Observe the attacker’s movements and behaviour in order to know whether you must block to your left, to your right or forwards.

Adjust your position, block, return to your original position and continue with another block.

Complete a set of 5 blocks. Reverse your roles and, for fun, compare the number of blocks each of you has managed to make.

Now it’s your turn to play!


Next video

Sikana - Exercise: dive and roll defending
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