To warm up and practice passing here are a few drills to do in pairs.
Learn about more exercises to perform in pairs or with multiple players in the following videos of the program.
To do these drills you will need a cone and a ball.
Music :
Will You Do - "Ghostronic", "Miami Ice", "We Are Back"
Published by Alter K
In this video, you'll learn a passing warm-up to do in a pair
For the third exercise, you'll need a cone
The three exercises are: passing whilst seated, precision passing and passing in motion
Firstly, passing whilst seated
This exercise targets arm, wrist and hand work and warms you up by passing
Sit down on the ground. You partner positions themselves two or three metres away from you with a ball
Your partner throws the ball to you with one or both hands, and you pass it straight back to them
Repeat this ten times, then swap roles
Secondly, passing with precision
This exercise trains you to do the action of a pass
Stand three metres away from your partner
Pass the ball to each other whilst trying not to move your feet
Take the time to execute the action well- aim for your partner and throw the ball high enough
Make as many consecutive passes as possible without dropping the ball
To vary this warm-up, you can stand on the opposite sides of the net
You can also stand side by side facing a wall, bouncing the ball against it to pass to each other
Thirdly, passing in motion
This warm-up uses the whole body and trains you to adopt the right posture before making a pass
Place a cone in the middle of a half-court, between the net and baseline.
Stand with your back to the net with the ball, whilst your partner stands behind the base line
Pass the ball one or two metres to the left or to the right of the cone without telling your partner beforehand
Their aim is to move forward to get to the ball and return it back to you
Make a series of ten passes and swap roles
Have a good warm-up, and over to you!
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