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Learn the Chair Pose - Utkatasana

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Take a lesson in the Chair Pose, Utkatasana.

This material will guide you towards building a foundation in Yoga practice.
Don't miss the video on the One Leg Pose.

This pose helps strengthen the lower back, the torso and the ankles, while toning your leg muscles.
However, the techniques described in this series are not meant to be prescriptive.
Consult your physician before trying them out.

Sitar by Shri Basab Sen - "Abhogi" & "Jhinjhoti"
"Kast - Paradise" published by Alter K

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In this video, you will learn the Chair Pose, also known as Utkatasana.

Stand straight with your feet slightly apart.

Drop your shoulders, open your chest and tuck in your stomach.

Inhale as you raise your arms and bring your palms together above your head.

Exhale and bend your knees, pushing down your pelvis as though seated on an imaginary chair.

Gradually, lower yourself and keep your arms in line with your back.

Remain in the pose for 30 seconds to one minute.

Inhale as you straighten your knees, exhale as you bring your arms to your sides and relax.

This pose helps strengthen the lower back, the torso and the ankles, while toning your leg muscles.

You have now learnt Utkatasana - the chair pose.


Next video

Sikana - Learn the One Leg Pose - Ekapadasana
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