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Learn the Monkey Pose - Markatasana

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This video reveals the technique to performing the Monkey Pose, Markatasana.

This content will help you understand the fundamentals of Yoga.
In the next video, you will learn the Locust Pose.

Markatasana flexes the spine and tones the internal organs.
However, the techniques described in this series are not meant to be prescriptive.
Consult your physician before trying them out.

Sitar by Shri Basab Sen - "Abhogi" & "Jhinjhoti"
"Kast - Paradise" published by Alter K

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In this video, you will learn the Monkey Pose, also known as Markatasana.

Lie down on the ground with your feet together.

Stretch out your arms in level with your shoulders, with the palms facing down.

Exhale as you fold your knees to bring your heels close to your buttocks so the soles of your feet are flat on the ground.

Inhale and then exhale as you drop both knees to your right with the right leg resting on the floor.

Twist your torso so your knees are facing one side and your face is towards the other.

Breathe normally as you hold the pose for about 30 seconds or as long as your can.

Breathing in, bring your knees and face back to the center and repeat the same towards the opposite side.

Markatasana flexes the spine and tones the internal organs.

It is also beneficial for digestive problems.

You have now learnt Markatasana, the Monkey Pose.


Next video

Sikana - Learn the Boat Pose - Naukasana
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