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Learn the Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana

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Teach yourself the Downward Facing Dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana .

This video series will teach you how to perform basic Yoga poses.
In the next video, you will learn to perform the Head-to-knee Pose.

This pose stretches the shoulders, lower back, hamstrings, calves and Achilles tendons.
However, the techniques described in this series are not meant to be prescriptive.
Consult your physician before trying them out.

Sitar by Shri Basab Sen - "Abhogi" & "Jhinjhoti"
"Kast - Paradise" published by Alter K

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In this video, you will learn the Downward Facing Dog, also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Kneel down on all fours with your toes curled in.

Exhale as you raise and straighten your knees.

Adjust your feet so their soles are flattened against the ground.

Hold your arms straight and bring your head and shoulders in line with them to form a trangle with your body.

Breathe deeply as you flex backward and lengthen your legs so you feel a stretch in your lower back.

Hold the pose for about 15-30 seconds and slowly inhale as you lower yourself onto your knees again.

This pose stretches the shoulders, lower back, hamstrings, calves and Achilles tendons.

You have now learnt Adho Mukha Svanasana, the Downward Facing Dog.


Next video

Sikana - Learn the Locust Pose - Salabhasana
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