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Learn the Half Moon Pose - Ardha Chandrasana

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Acquire mastery over the Half Moon Pose, Ardha Chandrasana.

The information represented in this series will initiate beginners to the practice of Yoga
In the next video, you will learn the Garland Pose.

This pose improves your concentration and balance, while strengthening your legs, buttocks, abdomen and spine.
However, the techniques described in this series are not meant to be prescriptive.
Consult your physician before trying them out.

Sitar by Shri Basab Sen - "Abhogi" & "Jhinjhoti"
"Kast - Paradise" published by Alter K

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In this video, you will learn learn the Half Moon Pose, also known as Ardha Chandrasana.

Turn the right foot out by upto 60-90 degrees.

Inhale and then exhale as you extend the trunk of your body as far as you can to your right and press your right palm on the floor in line with your shoulder.

Keep your right knee straightened as you lift your left leg parallel to the ground.

With your weight on your right foot, balance yourself with your right palm and align your hips and torso to face forward.

Now, raise your left hand up with the palm facing forward and turn your gaze towards it.

Breathe slowly and deeply in this pose for about fifteen seconds or as long as you can.

To release, exhale as you lower your left leg and return to the base position.

Now, repeat the same on the other side.

This pose improves your concentration and balance, while strengthening your legs, buttocks, abdomen and spine.

It also helps relieve gastric problems.

You have now learnt Ardha Chandrasana - the Half Moon Pose.


Next video

Sikana - Learn the Lord of the Dance Pose - Natarajasana
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