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The Two-Handed Pass: Chest and Bounce

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In this video, you will learn to make the most used pass in basketball games, the two-handed or direct pass

For more passing techniques, take a look at the other videos in this series!

Watch this short tutorial to learn the correct position and action for a two-handed pass.

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video you will learn to perform a two-handed pass, it can be direct from the chest or with a bounce. This pass works in many game situations and is often used during games.

To succeed in making your pass, remember these two steps: Holding the ball and Throwing the ball

First, Holding the ball.

In your basic stance, place one hand on each side of the ball, spreading your fingers and keeping it close to your chest with your elbows tucked in to your body.

Point your fingers towards your target, and position your thumbs behind the ball.

At the same time, keep your body stable with your knees bent and feet spread a little wider shoulder-width apart.

To start the movement, take a step toward your target. This step will stabilise you when throwing the ball and give you more force to throw it.

If you're right-handed, ideally you should step forward with your right foot.

Secondly, Throwing the ball.

Extend your arms in a straight line from your shoulders towards your target, and use your thumbs to push the ball.

Your hands should finish with palms facing outwards, thumbs pointing down towards the floor.

Be careful not to stick your elbows out too far, and to complete your pass with a full, symmetrical extension of your arms

During a game, you will have to perform fast and crisp passes to avoid interception from your opponents.

To pass the ball with a bounce, use the same method and change the direction of your pass so that the ball bounces on the floor before your teammate catches it.

You should aim at a point around two thirds of the distance between you and your teammate. Your shoulder and arms must finish the pass facing in that direction.

Now you know how to perform a good two-handed pass! You can practice in front of a wall, gradually stepping further from it until the movement becomes natural. Over to you!


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Sikana - Catching the Ball
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