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The Free Throw

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In this video, you will learn how to throw a free throw, an unopposed one-point shot taken after a foul.

Don't forget to take a look at some of the other awesome videos in this basketball series!

Free throws can have important consequences for the outcome of a match, so you'll need to master the technique! Learn how with this short tutorial.

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video, you will learn how to shoot a free-throw. Free throws are the only shots in basketball that can become automatic - because the distance from the basket and the circumstances are always the same

To shoot a free throw, follow these three steeps: Position yourself on the free throw line, Performop your pre-shot routine, and Shoot

First, Taking position on the free-throw line.

Take position just behind the free throw line, feet shoulder width apart

Put your stronger foot slightly in front but make sure it doesn't touch the free throw line

Second. Perform your routine

Find a routine and repeat it exactly the same for each shot. Free-throws require confidence and focus, it must become automatic.

Before receiving the ball, you can relax your arms by shaking them, miming the gesture or wiping your hands on your shorts.

Once the ball is in your hands, take a deep breath.

Some players like to use the grooves on the ball as marks to know exactly where to place their hands.

Always keep your eyes locked on the basket.

Third, Shooting

To shoot a free-throw, shoot as you would normally

Bends your knees to start off the movement.

Lift the ball up while as you straighten your legs.

Tuck the elbox in so that you have a vertical line made up of the hoop, your foot, knee, elbow, hand and the ball

Release the ball at the highest point of the motion, arm extended and elbow vertical

Let the ball roll right to the tips of your fingers as you release it to give it backspin

Free-throws require strong mental and technical abilities. Keep count of your scores during shooting practice to track your progress. Over to you!


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Sikana - The Lay Up
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