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The Two-Handed Overhead Pass

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In this video, you will learn how to make a two-handed overhead pass.

To learn about more passing techniques, take a look at some of the other great videos on basketball passes coming up next!

Watch this tutorial to learn how to master the overhead pass, a two-handed pass often used to cover greater distances between players.

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video you will learn to perform a two handed overhead pass. This is a common pass during games, especially between inside and outside players. Whatever your position, it is therefore important to be comfortable with this pass.

To make a good overhead pass, work on these two points: Positioning the ball and throwing the ball.

First, The position of the ball

Place one hand on either side of the ball, and bring it above your head, wrists bent backwards, with your thumbs behind the ball.

This position gives you better ball protection if you have an opponent on your back.

As with the direct pass technique, if your opponent leaves you enough space, take a step forward beforehand to stabilise yourself.

Secondly, throwing the ball

Extend your arm towards your target, using your thumbs to push the ball.

Whip the ball forwards with a flick of the wrists. When you've done this, your palms should be facing outwards and your thumbs down towards the ground.

Release the ball when it is in front of your face.

If you release it too early, the pass will be easier to intercept.

On the other hand, if you release it too late, the pass may be too low and difficult to catch.

Practice this move in front of a wall. You can also try to fake a pass before a different move. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - The Dribble Pass
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