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Group Exercise: Zig-Zag and 1-on-1

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In this video, you will learn an exercise to practice with a friend, working on both offense and defense skills.

There are more group drills in our basketball series to help you work on your skills together, check them out!

Discover how you can work on your offensive and defensive skills in a one-on-one situation with your friends by watching this short tutorial.

Adam Simmons - "Long Rhode Home", "Piano Hop", "Tang-A-Lang"
Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni

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In this video, you will discover an exercise to work on both offence and defence in a one on one situation

The aim of this exercise is for the offensive player to score a point, and for the defensive player to try and get the ball

The offensive player goes to a corner of the court, with the ball.

a defender stands facing them

The player on offence has to get past the center line by dribbling in zigzags and making crossovers each time they reach the court boundary line or the basket to basket line.

The defender will try to stop them from advancing forwards by taking the ball from them

If the defender manages to steal the ball, they immediately attack the basket of the half court they're in, and the former offence player now tries to defend.

As soon as the attacking player reaches the middle of the court, they play one-on-on against the defender and try to score

The offensive player can shoot again so long as they catch the rebound before the defender after a missed shot.

As soon as the defender gets the ball back, the game stops and the roles are reversed.

To succed in the exercise, the player on offence must protect the ball well and do some good crossovers over the first half of the court.

they then have accelerate quickly to outrun their oponent to go and shoot with a lay up.

To succed in this exercise, the defence player has to force their opponent into making a mistake by defending close to them without commiting a foul.

In a second second part, it is possible to add a rule of a maximum of 3 dribbles in the second half of the court for the attacking player, forcing them to play quickly. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Group Drill: Escaping your Marker and 1 on 1
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