In this video, you will learn everything you need to know to perfect the between-the-legs crossover when playing basketball.
You can find more crossover tutorials in our basketball series, containing over 70 free tutorials!
Watch this tutorial to discover how to get past a defender whilst keeping the ball protected.
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Published by Alter K
Voiced by Xavier Gianni
In this video, you will learn how to do a crossover between the legs. It's a useful dribble against a defender as it enables you to change direction while protecting the ball with your leg.
To do a good between-the-legs crossover, keep these three steps in mind; starting off, making a good crossover and changing hands well, and changing pace and direction.
First, starting off the move
After the initial dribble, take the outer side of the ball in your hand.
At the same time, shift the foot opposite the ball forward by about 30cm.
Secondly, making a good crossover with the hands
Bounce the ball between your legs, directing it slightly backwards. This dribble should be low and fast.
Take the ball in your weak hand and keep dribbling with the ball next to your foot.
Practice this while walking slowly, making a between-the-legs crossover with each step.
With practice, you should be able to cross the entire court without looking at the ball.
Thirdly, changing your pace and direction.
As explained in the video "Crossovers: Basic crossover" change your pace and direction to get past an opponent.
Keep your knees bent and your head up to make sure you're not looking at the ball.
To master this technique, run the length of the court in a zigzag movement, practicing between-the-leg crossovers, using both your dominant and your weaker hand.
The between-the-legs crossover isn't a natural movement for beginners, but once you are comfortable with it, it can be very useful in game situations. Over to you!
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