Learn what to do when there is a power outage.
Solve the problem in the electrical system in your home with this tutorial video.
Power cut? Help is at hand! This video will show you how to deal with your electrical system at home in case of a power outage.
In this video we'll learn what to do when the electricity cuts.
The electricity cutting or a fuse tripping is a sign that there is something a problem with the wiring or electrical installation.
To solve this issue, you don't need any tools
We will explain the 4 steps you'll need to follow in order to know how to react properly and safely in the instance of a a power cut
Step 1: Turn off electric devices
Too many electric devices running at the same time might cause electrical problems, Turn them off
Step 2: Check the electrical panel
The main power breaker is a switch which controls the entire electrical installation
Covered with a lid, we can find power breakers for each section of the electrical installation.
Step 3: Reset the installation
Place all the circuit breakers to OFF
Re-set the main breaker.
One by one reset each circuit breaker.
Once the electricity cuts again you will be able to locate exactly from where the problem with the electrical installation is coming.
Step 4: Identify the problem
Plug back in all the electrical devices which were originally plugged in when the electricity first cut. If the electricity cuts again when a particular device is re-plugged, you have identified a defective device, and you will need to fix or replace it.
If, despite taking all these precautions the problem persists, call an electrician.
You now know what to do when the electricity cuts
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