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Basics: Teach a Child

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This video teaches children how to throw the shuttle correctly and get a feel for the racket.

This is the very first lesson for a child when introducing them to the sport of badminton. You can check out the following videos on how to throw the shuttle
The tips will be helpful for trainers as well as parents and guardians to introduce badminton to kids in a fun way.

Know a budding badminton player? Help is at hand! Use this simple tutorial video to learn how to introduce badminton to a child for the first time

Music :
Benjamin Tordjmann

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In this video you will learn how to introduce badminton to a child.

Badminton is an extremely accessible sport that keeps children active and fit. The coach should design simple games to make sure the kids have fun and enjoy every moment.

The three steps are: throwing the shuttle, tapping the shuttle and rallying.

Step 1 - Throwing the shuttle. Gives a few shuttles to the child and sit down in front of them, three feet away. Place the racket in front of your head. Ask the child to aim the strings on the racket. Tell the child that if they hit your head, they wins the game, but it is not a big deal if they miss. It's important to let the child know that at the end of the day, they will be the winner.

When the shuttle is thrown at you, tap it gently and aim the child. The child tries to avoid the shuttle and enjoys every bit of the game.

This activity is great fun for the child and helps them develop the right throwing action which is similar to that of swinging the racket. It also helps the child to develop reflexes to dodge the shuttle.

Step 2 - Tapping the shuttle. Next switch roles with the child having the racket in front of their head.

Make sure they hold it correctly with the index finger extended and the hand in the middle of the handle.

Throw the shuttle at the child and ask them to hit it at you. Tell them that they will score a point if they hit your head.

If they miss the shuttle and it hits their head, you score a point.

This exercise helps the child to get the feel of the racket and the shuttle for the first time.

Step 3 - Rallying. Stand 3 metres away from the child and ask them to hold their racket straight in front of them. Serve underhand ask them to gently tap the shuttle to you. Continue rallying with the child with gentle overhead taps. This drill will help the child develop control and judgement and above all have fun.

Enjoy your game!


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Sikana - How to Do a Dynamic Warm up
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