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How to Ride Off a Curb

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In this video, you will learn how to ride off obstacles such as curbs or pavements on your skateboard.

For more skating skills, be sure to check out the rest of our Skateboarding program.

Discover how to ride off obstacles on your skateboard to diversify your skills with this short, two-step video.


They contributed
Gill Roberts - Sikana
Gill Roberts
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In this video, you'll learn how to ride off a curb on a skateboard.

There are two stages to learning to ride off a curb: practice using a line on the ground, then with a curb.

First, practice using a line on the ground.

Position yourself close to a line on the ground, or draw a line with chalk, for example.

Start skating towards the line.

Place your feet at right-angles to the board with the dominant foot by the front truck bolts and the back foot at the start of the tail.

Just before your wheels cross the line, transfer your weight onto the tail with your back leg in order to lift the nose slightly off the ground.

Keep your dominant foot on the nose.

When the wheels cross the line, lower the nose back down to the ground.

Now, let's try it out on a curb.

Place your feet and shoulders at right-angles to the board with your back foot at the start of the tail.

As you approach the curb, keep skating without slowing down.

Just before the curb, push down gently on the tail to lift the nose.

Keep your front foot on the board to avoid sliding backwards, and keep the board parallel to the ground.

When the back wheels cross the line, transfer your weight onto the front leg to land the board, all four wheels together.

Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - How to Skate Over Small Obstacles
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