In this video, you will learn an exercise to help you switch between regular and goofy stance on your skateboard.
To find out whether you're a regular or goofy footed skater, check out our video on getting onto your board when stationary.
Switch up your skating by learning to change between regular and goofy stance with this simple exercise.
In this video, you will learn an exercise to work on your balance and on your landing.
The exercise is very simple. It involves switching between the regular and goofy stances, first while stationary then while skating.
Start by wedging the back wheels of your board in a crevice to hold it in place.
Do a small jump, and quickly switch your feet so that your weaker foot is at the front. Make sure you follow this movement through with your chest and shoulders.
Keep your feet flat, making sure you land in a good skating position, with your feet on the bolts.
To get back into your original position, repeat the move in reverse.
Do a series of jumps, switching between goofy and regular stances, while stationary, until you feel comfortable switching between the two.
Once you have mastered this first step, start skating slowly and reposition your feet on the bolts.
Jump once, keeping your feet flat, then jump again to get back into your original stance.
Do a series of jumps, switching between goofy and regular stances, until you feel completely comfortable with switching.
To challenge yourself, practice jumping higher when switching feet.
To get used to the sensation, practice skating goofy if you normally skate regular-footed or vice-versa.
Over to you!
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