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First Aid: Nosebleed

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Adam.Mian - Sikana
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First Aid:


In this video, you will learn how to administer first aid to someone suffering a nosebleed

First Aid Techniques:

1 - Sit the person down, head tilted forwards

Sit the person down and ask them to tilt their head forwards so that they do not swallow their blood

2 - Wipe the nose

Ask them to wipe their nose

3 - Compress nostrils

Then ask them to pinch the nostrils with their thumb and forefinger for ten minutes without letting go

They can breathe through their mouths during this time

4 - Monitor

If the nosebleed persists or is the result of an impact blow or a fall: seek further professional medical advice


Next video

Sikana - First Aid: Severed Body Part
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