This video was created in partnership with
First Aid:
Minor wound
In this video, you will learn how to treat a minor wound.
First Aid techniques:
1 – Wash your hands
- Wash your hands before treating the wound.
2 – Clean the wound
- Rinse the wound with clean water and soap, if possible.
If there is still dirt in the wound, use a sterile gauze pad to remove it.
3 - Sterilise
- If possible, disinfect the wound with an antiseptic.
4 Adhesive dressing
- Make an adhesive dressing to cover the wound using sterile gauze pads and adhesive tape or apply a ready-to-use self-adhesive dressing.
5 Tetanus Vaccine?
- Make sure that your tetanus shots are up to date. If in any doubt, seek advice from your doctor.
6 - Monitor
- Watch out for any signs of infection in the following days; if you notice any redness, heat or pain, consult your doctor.
A minor wound is a superficial cut or scrape with no profuse bleeding and which is not located near a body orifice or the eyes.
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