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Discover the Personal Tennis Equipment

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In this video you will learn about the basic equipment you need to play tennis.

In order to discover training tips and learn about the rules of tennis, see the rest of the program.

They contributed
Karoline Augustin - Sikana
Karoline Augustin
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In this video you will learn about the equipment you will need to play tennis.

The key elements are: essential equipment, the clothing and the extra accessories

Essentail equipment

To play tennis, you will need a racket

These come in different sizes and materials and can vary greatly

Rackets are made of three main parts: the head or frame with the strings in the middle, the throat, and the handle

The handle is octagonal and often wrapped with an overgrip

The sides of the handle are known as bevels and can be used as guides when finding the correct grip

At the bottom of the handle there's a butt cap

The other essential item to play is a fluroescent tennis ball


To play tennis, come combinatio of t-shirt and shorts or skirt will suffice

You'll also need some socks and a pair of tennis shoes

The extra accessories

You could wear a cap to avoid the sun

Sweat bands help absorb sweat and prevent the racket from slipping out of the hand

You could also put a vibration dampener

The ball's in your court

Enjoy your game


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Sikana - Warm Up
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