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One-Handed Eastern Backhand Grip

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In this video you will learn about the one handed eastern backhand grip.

The eastern backhand grip is recommended for all players with a single-fisted backhand. Check out the video on the two handed backhand grip.

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In this video you will learn how to use the one-handed backhand grip.

One of the most common grips for a one-handed backhand is the eastern grip, which we will show you in this video

The key steps are: learning about the grip, and finding the one-handed backhand grip

Step 1

The tennis racket handle is made of 8 sides, or bevels

With the racket head perpendicular to the ground, the bevels can be numbered 1-8 starting at the top bevel and moving clockwise, for a right-handed player

"Step 2

To find the eastern backhand grip, start in the continental or hammer grip and turn the racket clockwise until the the base of your index knuckle and your heel pad are on bevel 1 " Position your non-dominant hand on the racket's throat as you draw back to take your shot

The non-dominant hand should release the racket during the downswing just before the racket makes contact with the ball

Using the eastern grip for one-handed backhands will take some practice, but will add a lot of spin to your shots, and great versatility to your groundstrokes

Now you know how to use the one-handed backhand grip!


Next video

Sikana - Two-Handed Backhand Grip
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