In this video, discover how to roll through your foot when power walking to perfect your technique.
For more great videos to help you improve your power walking technique, check out the rest of our power walking series!
By rolling through your feet, you will absorb shocks, avoiding straining your feet and helping you gain speed. Learn all about this technique through our short tutorial!
Voice-over: Will Davies
Learning the correct foot motion
In this video, you will learn how to roll through the foot when power walking, which is essential to developing your muscles without injuring yourself.
The aim is to get a greater range of motion by rolling through the entire length of the foot.
A good foot motion is carried out in three stages: by placing the heel, rolling through the foot, and pushing off with the toes.
First, placing the heel.
Place your heel down flat, and gently, to cushion the impact with the ground.
This movement protects the joints in your feet and legs.
Secondly, rolling through the foot.
Once your heel is on the ground, roll fully through your foot to your toes, so as to feel all your joints working fluidly.
This movement is specific to power walking, and helps to avoid violent impacts with the ground, which could have repercussions for the knees, the hips or the back.
Thirdly, pushing off with the toes.
Push yourself forward with your toes, especially your big toe.
Don't neglect this propulsion, as this is what will allow you to gain in speed and power.
Practise this movement, which will help you to build muscles in your feet, legs, thighs and buttocks, and to get a light and rhythmic stride!
Over to you!
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