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Warming Up Your Ankles

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In this video, you will discover a simple exercise to warm up your ankles before a power walking session.

If you're interested in discovering more warm ups, take a look at the rest of our Power Walking series!

Your ankles are put under a lot of strain when power walking. Take a look at this simple exercise to learn how to avoid injuring them during your training sessions!

Voice-over: Will Davies

They contributed
ehautemont - Sikana
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Exercise for ankle warmup

In this video, you will learn a very simple exercise for warming up your ankles before walking.

This exercise has 2 stages : positioning, and then movement.

Firstly, the positioning.

Stabilize yourself on one foot, in order to free the foot you plan on stretching.

Don't hesitate to bend the knee of your supporting leg in order to keep your balance.

Secondly, the movement.

Relax the ankle you plan on stretching, then slowly trace wide circles with your foot. 15 times in one direction, then in the other.

The key to this exercise is to be sure to point your toes upwards when turning upwards. This will allow you to thoroughly warm up your Achilles tendon.

Then, do the same with your other foot.

Take your time when doing this exercise, and don't strain yourself. Have a good warm-up!


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