Find out how to prepare appropriately so you know what to do before and after a cold snap.
To help you prepare for other disasters, check out the rest of our series on Major Disasters.
Make sure you stay safe during a cold snap by using this short video.
This video was made in partnership with : International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Major Disasters: Prepare for a Cold Wave
In this video, you will learn how to act in case of injuries caused by a cold wave as well as the preventative safety practices necessary in order to avoid injury
If you get superficial frostbite, that is to say a minor pain caused by the cold: rub the affected area or blow hot air onto it in order to warm it up.
If you get a more severe case of frostbite, meaning a white area of the skin that often doesn't hurt or is totally numb:
See a doctor as quickly as you can.
Slowly warm up the frozen parts by putting them in your hands if they are warm, under your arms, in between your thighs or apply warm water.
Do not rub the injured area because it could worsen the frostbite.
With care, remove tight clothes, and any others objects that could cause discomfort: watches, rings…
In the case of serious frostbite or hypothermia, call the emergency services immediately, protect the victim from the cold by placing them in a warm place and monitoring their state whilst reassuring them.
To avoid any medical complications caused by cold weather:
Use equipment adapted to the temperature such as: clothes, shoes…
Protect your head and ears especially.
Do not wear damp clothes.
In all instances, follow the advice of the local authorities.
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