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How to Build a Picnic Table

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In this video you'll learn how to build a handy picnic tripod table

This is a great team project and can be finished off with a wooden rack. Learn how to build it by watching the video!

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Music: MELLOWER "Lou" Published by Alter K DAMIEN FLEAU "Le Départ" Published by Alter K

They contributed
Waters - Sikana
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In this video, we will learn to build a tripod table

Caution, you will need:

protective gloves

closed footwear

some time

and more than one person

For this project you will need:

3 wooden poles of 2.50-3m in length and of the same diameter

6 wooden poles of 2m50 in length, but thinner than the previous ones

about 20 thin wood branches or logs

a roll of string

Building a tripod table requires 3 steps which we will explain for you.

Step 1: Assembling the structure

With the three thickest wooden poles, build a tripod.

Check out our video "How to build a tripod"

Spread the feet of the tripod to choose the span of the table

Be careful not to spread the feet too far apart to ensure stability

Step 2: Assembling the benches

Position the wood poles 45 cm above the ground on the tripod, and mark their placement with a tool

Check that the wood poles are at the right height to sit down comfortably

Adjust the height of the wooden poles and tie a square lashing at each juncture, positioning the poles at the exterior of the tripod.

Check out our video 'Tying a square lashing"

Repeat this operation on each leg of the tripod

Step 3: Assembling the table top

Position the last 3 wood poles about 75cm above the ground at the interior of the structure

Check that they are at a height so that you can comfortably lean on them with your elbows

Tie a square lashing at each juncture of the poles to secure them to the tripod frame

Place the thinnest poles on the upper poles at the top and saw off any ends which stick out

Be sure to wear gloves [bandeau missing]

Then, build a wooden rack

For this step, check out our video "building a wooden rack"

Now you know how to build a tripod table.


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Sikana - How to Make Stilts
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