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Dressing for Mild Weather

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In this video, you will learn how to dress appropriately for a Nordic Walking session when the weather is mild.

Don't miss our video on how to dress for Nordic Walking in cold or rainy weather to make sure you're prepared for all eventualities! Find it in our full program of over 35 helpful Nordic Walking videos.

Dressing appropriately for the weather is extremely important when practising any kind of sport. Learn how to adapt your gear for Nordic Walking in mild weather by watching this short tutorial.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

They contributed
ehautemont - Sikana
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Dressing for mild weather

In this video, we will give you some advice on how to dress for a nordic walk when the weather is mild.

First, we will discuss a few general rules you should follow, and then, how to carry your personal belongings on your walks.

Firstly: a few general rules to follow.

Choose light, loose and breathable clothes.

Light firstly, so that your body does not have to make an extra effort by being weighed down with heavy clothing. so that your body doesn't have to make unnecessary effort under the weight of heavy clothing.

Loose, to retain freedom of movement in your arms and legs.

Finally, breathable, to evacuate sweat and keep your body dry.

You may prefer to opt for shorter clothes for optimal ventilation.

Favour breathable polyester clothing, as they help evacuate moisture from sweat, and dry rapidly.

Avoid cotton textiles, which absorb moisture and dry slowly.

Don't forget to protect your head from the sun's rays by wearing a cap.

Secondly: how to carry your personal belongings on your walks.

If your walks last less than an hour, there is no point in encumbering yourself with a bag.

Instead, try wearing a belt with storage pouches, or a waist pack.

It should be able to hold your ID, a small first-aid kit, a light snack, and your water bottle.

If your walks are over an hour long, you will need more space in order to carry a larger snack and larger quantities of water.

In this case, take a backpack, preferably a slim one that can be worn close to the body.

A chest strap is essential so that it will not sway during your walk, sparing you from uncomfortable friction or losing your balance.

Now you know how to dress for your nordic walks in mild weather, it's over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Dressing for Cold or Rainy Weather
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