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How to Choose Suitable Walking Poles

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In this video, you will learn the properties of Nordic Walking poles, and how to choose poles for yourself.

For more helpful advice on preparing to go Nordic Walking, check out the rest of our program!

With so many different types of walking sticks available, it can be hard to find the best poles for your Nordic Walking sessions. Learn what makes Nordic Walking poles different from other walking sticks and which properties to look out for when buying your own.

Music : ALTER K
Voice-over by volunteer: Scarlet Sherriff & Rebecca Large

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How to Choose Suitable Walking Poles

In this video, you will learn how to choose walking poles specifically desgined for nordic walking

First we will see how to recognise a nordic walking pole from other types of walking sticks, then we will look at what kind of pole to choose for nordic walkers who practice the sport regularly

How to distinguish nordic walking poles from other walking sticks?

There are many types of walking poles and sticks depending on the type of walking being done

Nordic walking poles can be recognised by their glove-straps at the wrist and their bevelled ends

the straps, unlike those of other walking poles, fix firmly to the wrist - like a glove

It's normally possible to detach them fully from the stick - making it easy to quickly pick up or take objects such as a water bottle

The rubber ends, also known as paws, at the bottom of nordic walking poles are bevelled so that they hug the ground upon making contact with it

They can also be removed to reveal a tungsten tip, normally user to the dig into loose ground

Next, what type of nordic walking poles should I choose if I walk regularly?

If you practice nordic walking more than twice a month, you can be classed as a regular nordic walker.

In this case, you will need specifically-designed nordic walking equipment

We advise you to choose fixed length poles as they are generally stronger, and better at absorbing shocks and vibrations

Although telescopic and folding poles are more easily transported, they tend to absorb vibrations poorly and are often more fragile

They are most suitable for occasional use only

Now you know how to choose poles specific for nordic walking...the paths are yours!


Next video

Sikana - Choosing the Correct Pole Size
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