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Rollerblading Exercise: Push and Pull

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Learn a great inline skating eercise to try out with a partner

More great rollerblading exercises are available on our website in the inline skating program

It'll help you work on your stride, speed and balance

Music : Alter K

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In this video, you're going to learn a simple exercise to help you work on your skating glide.

You'll need a partner for these exercises, but you could also perform them using a shopping cart or trolley

Here are three exercises: pushing your partner, pulling your partner and moving together

First, pushing your partner

Stand behind your partner and place your hands on each of their hips

Make sure you're in the ready position - feet, pelvis and shoulders vertically aligned and the chest straight.

Your parner should adopt the same position but with the scissors stance, with one skate slightly in front of the other.

Start skating, putting emphasis on your strides, pushing off with greater force to be able to move both yourself and your partner

Stride several times to pick up speed and to find a regular rhythm whilst keeping safely balanced

Secondly, pulling your partner

This time, stand in front of your partner. Their skates should be in the scissor stasnce and they should put a hand on each of your hips, as before.

Start skating, putting emphasis on your strides, pushing off with greater force to be able to move yourself and pull your partner.

Keep your shins pressed against the tongues of your skates and takecare not to lose balance and topple forwards.

Stride several times to pick up speed and to find a regular rhythm

Thirdly, moving together

Stand to one side of your partner, both facing in the same direction.

With slightly folded arms, hold the right hand of your partner with your own. do the same for your left hands.

Get into a V-stance and set off with the same foot, keeping an identical stride and cadence.

Having your arms linked will slightly impede your skating movement, meaning youi'll have to pay extra attention to your strides.

Once you've mastered with, try it again, this time holding only your partner's hand which is closest to you - arms bent

Finally, have fun switching up thes 4 different positions while you skate.

Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Rollerblading Exercise: How to Fall Safely
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