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Rollerblading Exercise: Slalom

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Slalom turning helps you work on your control when inline skating

All the inline skating tutorials are available for free in the full program on our website!

For more great rollerblading exercises and tips, see our other tutorials

Music : Alter K

They contributed
Waters - Sikana
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In this video, you will learn to slalom skate with your inline skates.

You will need 5 cones.

Here are two techniques to try: the forward slalom, and the forward criss-cross slalom.

First, forward slalom

Align 5 cones on the ground separating them by about 1.50m each.

Pick up speed for about 10m.

Keep rolling and place yourself in the scissors stance, right foot forward, to prepare to curve around the first cone by the left side.

Immediately after passing the first cone, move into the scissors stance left foot forward to curve around the second cone by the right side, and so on.

Play with different kinds of pressure on your feet to make the turn.

Adapt the pressure and support in your feet to your speed.

Successfully avoiding every cone requires coordination and anticipation.

Repeat several times, adapting the distance between the cones to your level.

Secondly the forward criss cross slalom.

Pick up speed like before, and roll forward.

Slide your feet apart by pressing them outward, to span over the first cone.

Play with the pressure you use in your feet to bring them both forward to the center, and cross your legs while keeping the skates straight.

For example, your left foot is positioned to the right in the back, and your right foot is positioned to the left in the front.

Spread your feet enough to span the second the cone.

Bring your feet back into the regular scissors stance and continue slaloming in this way

Speed, coordination, and practice will be your greatest allies in learning to slalom skate.

Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Rollerblading Exercise: Skate on the Front and Back Wheels
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