Learn tips to prevent mosquito and other insect bites
This video is in the 4th chapter of our Hiking Program. To find the program in full, click on the link or visit our YouTube channel
This video is part of the chapter all about staying safe and healthy on your hike. Move on to the next video for more useful information on hiking
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Voice-over by Dominic di Rollo
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Protecting yourself from mosquitos while hiking
In this video, you will learn how to protect yourself from mosquitoes while hiking. The itching caused by mosquito bites can make a hike rather unpleasant, but fortunately there are several easy precautions to take so as to avoid being stung.
In order to avoid being stung, here are 4 tips : make sure you walk during the day in a dry environment, and adapt your clothing appropriately., Use a mosquito repellant.
Firstly, walk in a dry environment. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, such as in ponds, puddles or in swamps and marshes.
If you have to hike in a damp environment, favour higher areas which are drier. Finish the route quickly and avoid taking breaks.
If you can, follow paths that are sunnier and drier due to having been well cleared. Insects avoid this type of environment.
Secondly, walk during the day. Mosquitoes are much more active during the night, and especially at dusk just after sunset.
Avoid walking at these times, and be careful when camping.
Thirdly, adapt your clothing. Wear long, loose and pale coloured clothes which cover as much of your skin as possible, including arms and legs.
Avoid beauty products and perfume, which attract mosquitoes. However, wash yourself as soon as possible when you reach a stopover, as mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of sweat.
Fourthly, use a repellant. This is not very environmentally friendly but it is efficient.
The duration of the protection depends on the concentration of the repellant. but bear in mind that sweat and rain can reduce the effectiveness. In this case, make sure you reapply the repellant.
Natural repellants such as lemongrass or essential oils also work well.
In conclusion, mosquito bites can be avoided on a hike. The best thing is to find out when the mosquito season starts and finishes as well as where mosquitoes are likely to be so that you can avoid them. Enjoy your hike!
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