Learn how to correctly fit and adjust your hiking backpack
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A backpack that is properly adjusted means a comfortable hike
the World - jewelbeat.com
Voice-over by Dominic di Rollo
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How to properly adjust your hiking backpack
In this video, you'll learn how to adjust your hiking backpack. Adjusting your hiking backpack properly is quite straightforward, but it's important to get it right so that you to avoid shoulder or back pain
Only make adjustments your backpack when it's packed, otherwise they won't be right!
Here are the 4 types of strap that you will use when adjusting your backpack: the waist straps, shoulder straps, load lifter straps, and finally, chest straps.
Firstly, we have the waist straps
First buckle the belt, and then fasten it so that the bag lies fairly tight against your pelvis. It must not rest on your buttocks, hips or waist.
Your pelvis should be carrying the majority of the backpack’s loading - let’s say about 80% - while your shoulders should take the remaining minority.
Secondly, the shoulder straps
if your bag is equipped with shoulder straps, pull them so that the bag begins to fit comfortably against your shoulders,
whilst ensuring that you can also run your finger under the straps with ease.
If this is not the case, adjust them again.
Thirdly, the load lifter straps - these straps are very important because they allow you to pull in the loading of your bag so that it fits tightly against your back, this will give you more stability.
They pull the weight of the rucksack towards your back and keep you balanced
Finally, the chest strap is at your disposal if you wish to use it.
Some people like to buckle it, whilst others don’t use it at all. It is entirely up to you what you do with it, depending on the morphology of your body and your general preferences.
During your hike, don’t hesitate to re-adjust your bag’s straps in order to make further adjustments as you see fit
To conclude, here are the 4 types of strap that you will use when adjusting your backpack: the waist straps, shoulder straps, load lifter straps, and finally, chest straps.
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