Maximize your space - SikanaMaximize your space - SikanaMaximize your space - Sikana
Maximize your space

Each video in this free program outlines a simple step you can take to optimising a small space - in this case, a bedroom with en suite bathroom. Step by step you will find indispensable information regarding the techniques you should employ, the rules of thumb to follow and the tools and materials you’ll need to use to ensure the very best results. Everything we show in the videos is achievable even novice DIYers, and if you’re ever in doubt, consult the advice of a professional for the job in the question, and use it as yet another opportunity to learn!
These videos are equally aimed at landlords and property owners who welcome low-income persons. If you would like to discover new, stylish yet cost effective ways of of renovating your available bedrooms and bathrooms then be sure to watch the program in its entirety. All the techniques we show are easy to replicate and adapt to the exact specifications of your room.
This “Maximize your Space” program was developed with expert renovation societies and contractors. To renovate a bedroom entirely, you will need to strip the space, fit a bathroom, modernise the electrical installation and finally decorate the room. Including an en suite bathroom gives autonomy and intimacy, at a low cost. Particularly adapted to boarding houses, these works equally allow you to fully equip any bathroom with a size of at least 10m2.

Program details

Viewing time: 66 min

Number of video(s): 16

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