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How to Use a Mason Square

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In this video, you will be taught to use a mason's square.

These videos are targeted towards beginners to the field of masonry and construction.

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In this video you will learn how to use a Mason’s Square.

The Mason’s Square, is an instrument used to ensure that two perpendicular surfaces are at a right angle with each other. It is a useful tool to carry around to get a standard reference of 90 degrees with which to verify the accuracy of corners. Here, the 3:4:5 principle is being cross verified for human error using the Mason’s Square. Place the Square at the corner and make sure that its arms are aligned with the strings.

During surface finishing, the Mason’s Square can be used to check if the mortar patches on two perpendicular walls are at 90 degrees from each other. First, hold the straightedge against the patches on the first wall. Now, position the Mason’s Square such that the short arm is against the straightedge, while the long arm is against the patches on the second wall.

When using the Mason’s Square to check if the outside edge of a wall is at a right angle with the front surface, place the Straightedge against the plane of the front surface such that it extends beyond the outer edge of the wall. Now, position the Square such that the short arm is against the Straightedge and the long arm is against the outer edge of the wall. Just as before, ensure that there is no gap between the arms and the respective surfaces.

You have now learned to use a Mason’s Square.


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Sikana - How to Use a Plumb Bob
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