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Avoiding Running Injuries

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In this video, you will discover some hints and tips for avoiding some of the most common running injuries.

For more hints and tips to help you get the most out of your running, take a look at the rest of our running program

There are several simple steps you can take to avoid injuries when running. Watch this short tutorial to find out more!


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hurrayweng - Sikana
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In this video, you will discover some simple tips to reduce the risk of running-related injuries.

We will look at 3 ways to avoid injury: warming up, adopting good workout habits, and gradually increasing your running time

First, warm up carefully.

Your shoes should be suitable for your run, your body, and the terrain

To choose the right ones, you can watch our video "Questions to ask yourself when buying shoes'

Secondly, adopt good workout habits

Have a good warm-up with some dynamic stretches before running

and don't forget to include a recovery period after the warm-up.

This will ensure that you have an effective workout, by allowing your body to gradually adjust to physical exertion and then to cool down slowly after the run.

Make sure you're well hydrated before, during, and after your workout to reduce the risk of tendinitis.

Do other sports at the same time, such as cycling or swimming, to strengthen your muscles and improve your endurance.

This way, you will be able to exercise other muscle groups whilst allowing the ones needed for running to relax.

Thirdly, gradually increase your running time

You can start with two weekly runs of 15 minutes, then gradually increase the duration by several minutes every week.

You can then increase it to 3 times a week when you feel comfortable running for 30 minutes at a time.

Lastly, don't run if you feel pain, however little, or if you're feeling very tired.

Have a good run!


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Sikana - How to Structure Your First Training Sessions
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