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How to Replace the Grip on Your Bat

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Watch and learn how to replace your bat grip with this short video.

Don't miss the video on how to knock in a new bat.

The grip of your bat will need to be replaced every once in a while to make sure it is well maintained. This video will teach you to do it yourself.

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In this video, you will learn to replace the grip on your cricket bat.

You will need a cricket bat, a new grip and a bat cone.

This video has been split into three parts: Preparation, Making a roll with the Grip and Unrolling the Grip onto the handle.

Start by rolling the grip upward and back onto itself from where the handle meets the shoulder.

When the roll of rubber reaches the end of the handle, push it out so it pops free.

The bat cone is a device that is slightly longer than the bat's handle, narrow on one end and wide-mouthed on the other.

Push the narrow end into the end of the new grip that you want at the tip of the handle and push it in as far as you can.

Now, roll it back onto itself from the thicker part of the bat cone.

When the roll reaches the narrow end, reinsert the bat cone from the other end of the grip.

Keep rolling the grip towards the thicker side and all the way till it is near the wide end of the bat cone.

Place the wide mouth of the cone onto the tip of the bat's handle.

Push the rolled up grip onto the handle and all the way towards the end that meets the blade.

Now, simply unroll the grip along the handle ensuring that it is evenly distributed on the handle.

Enjoy your game.


Next video

Sikana - Learn to Knock In a New Cricket Bat
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