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How to Dive into a Swimming Pool

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Learn how to dive into water

We'll show you how useful a good diving technique can be!

"Carefree - Gilles B -
Coconut water - Gilles B -"

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In this video, you're going to learn the basic techniques of diving. Diving is a very useful technique for a effective entry into the water.

There are different methods to learn to dive. We're going to show you 3 methods in increasing order of difficulty: a pencil dive, a sitting dive and finally a standing dive.

First, a pencil dive. Stand up straight at the edge of the swimming pool with your legs and feet together, keeping your arms at your sides.

Jump with you feet still together and your toes pointing downwards. Maintain this position once in the water.

Once you touch the bottom of the pool, bend your legs and push off the bottom of the pool with your feet, to get back to the surface.

Second, a seated dive. Sit down on the edge of the pool.

Put your hands together above your head while keeping your arms straight, and aim for the surface of the water with your hands.

Lean forward and roll into the water keeping your head down in between your arms.

Try to maintain this position under the water and let yourself glide for as long as possible before returning to the surface.

Third, a standing dive. Stand up straight, your legs slightly apart with one foot in front, its toes hooked over the edge of the pool.

Again, join your hands above your head while keeping your arms straight and aim at the surface of the pool with your hands.

Lift your back foot and tilt forward.

Let your body move forwards completely while maintaining your position in the water.

When you feel comfortable with these 3 techniques you can try a standing dive off a starting block. Over to you!


Next video

Sikana - Swimming: Basic Technique
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