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Cardio Exercise: Jumping with Alternating Feet

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Learn a jumping exercise to integrate into your cardio fitness routine with this short tutorial video

This video is one of several cardio exercise videos in our series on Gentle Exercise for Older Adults, so be sure to take a look at some of the others for more inspiration

By following the simple step-by-step instructions, you will learn a cardiovascular exercise jumping with alternating feet to help maintain your health and fitness

Voice-over by volunteer Lizzie Da Costa

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chrisjowitt - Sikana
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Cardio Fitness Workout: jumping with alternating feet

In this video you will find a cardio vascular exercise made up of jumping from one foot to the other as if using a skipping rope.

You should assess your physical ability with a doctor before attempting this exercise.

Performed regularly, cardio vascular exercises help keep up respiratory capacity and to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

This exercise is broken down into two stages: positioning and movement

First of all, positioning

Stand upright, with your back straight and your feet spaced out to the width of your hips

Secondly, movement

Jump lightly, landing alternatively on your right foot, followed by your left

Lift the knee of your non-supporting leg upwards

Move your arms in a circular motion, as if you were holding a skipping rope.

To take the exercise one step further you can increase the speed of your movements.

Perform 2 sets of 30 jumps with a pause of 30 seconds between each one

You can adapt the intensity of this exercise to your own physical capabilities

In this case, use your breathing rate as a point of reference

If you can speak easily after each sequence then you will be working below your physical capabilities

On the other hand, if you are unable to speak, you are working too hard

Gradually increase the speed and duration of the sets as part of your training

Over to you !


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Sikana - Aerobic Exercise: Sidesteps
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