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How to make soil for seedlings

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Maija Wallace - Sikana
Maija Wallace
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In this lesson we will teach you how to make homemade soil for seedlings.

Rich soil facilitates germination and healthy plant growth in your plant trays or flats.

Soil for seedlings is made of one part garden bed soil and one part compost.

To make your soil, you will need: a bucket of compost, a bucket of garden bed soil, a spade, a wheelbarrow and a compost sifter.

bucket of compost

bucket of garden bed soil




We are using a special sifter meant for compost.

If you don't have a compost sifter you can use chicken wire.

Step 1: Start by sifting the garden bed soil. Remove larger items, like rocks and roots.

Step 2: Sift the compost into the wheelbarrow.

Step 3: Now the soil and the compost are both inside the wheelbarrow.

Now water and mix the soil, like this.

Continue until you reach the right consistency.

It should be moist but not muddy.

The soil should not stick to your fingers. The texture should be fine and lumpy.

If your soil is too thick or clay-like, you can add some sand to improve its drainage and texture.

Your soil is now ready to use. You can fill your plant flats or trays and grow your seedlings.

Now we will learn how to reuse this soil.

Even after you use it to grow seedlings, your soil is still fertile and contains healthy microbial life.

Once all of the plants have been transplanted, store the used soil.

When you have enough collected for reuse, mix together:

one part used soil, one part compost, and one part sifted garden bed soil

Soil that's not watered regularly tends to become hydrophobic, which means that it won't be able to absorb water.

To avoid this, be sure to water and mix multiple times before using it in your plant flats or trays.

It is important to properly store your soil to preserve its fertility and the microbial life it contains.

Store the soil in shaded area, sheltered from the wind.


Next video

Sikana - How to grow small seeds in a tray or flat, part 1
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