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Breastfeeding in the biological nurturing position

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How to Breastfeed in the Biological Nurturing Position.
Founded in 2014, SIKANA Health is one of 12 programmes created by the NGO SIKANA. It works at transmitting knowledge in order to allow everyone to acquire positive health reflexes. From healthy eating to music, respecting nature, health, improving one's environment, or learning a new sport, our many programs aim to encourage a simple and healthy life. To discover our programmes see: To help with the translation and diffusion of our videos globally see: factory.sikana.tvWe make videos on a whole host of topics which are translated by a community of volunteer translations via our custom-built translation platform The Factory. To join our translation efforts, please sign up at:


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In this video you will learn how to breastfeed in the "biological nurturing" position, brought to prominence by Suzanne Colson.

This position has the advantages of completely relaxing the mother, stimulating the baby's innate reflexes to seek out the breast, and establishing a favourable interaction therefore encouraging good milk production

To this end: settle comfortably in a semi-reclined position.

Your body needs to be supported, especially your head, nape, and shoulders, which are the main tension points during breastfeeding.

Lay your baby on top of yourself

The baby can be laid along, across ,or in a slanting position over the body. as long as the baby's entire body - and especially their feet - are well supported.

This support will allow the baby to move.

The baby will spontaneously raise their head by small jerking movements to take hold of the nipple. do not hesitate to guide them if necessary.

Do not push on the baby's head because it is sensitive, and instinct will cause the baby to move away from the breast rather than towards it

Once the baby has taken the nipple, wrap your arms around them to give stability

Enjoy! This position is ideal to have a clear view and interact visually with your baby.


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