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Stitching a garment : part 2: how to create a pattern

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In this video, you will learn how to make a pattern for a garment.

See the Video:

How to Take Measurement

The measurements for this pattern are taken in “Stitching a Garment Part 1: How to take measurements”.

For this, you will need:

A pattern sheet

A measuring tape

A ruler

3 markers of differents colors

and A pair of scissors

This tutorial is split into two steps.

STEP 1: Create the back pattern.

Create the back pattern.

Take a pattern sheet and lay it flat on the table.

Next, mark the total length as 31 inches.

Total length = 31 inches

This includes the hem and the seam allowance.

Now, mark the width of the pillow cover, which is 20.5 inches.

Total width = 20.5 inches

Mark 3 width points along the length, for a perfectly straight line.

Join the points to get a rectangle. This rectangle is the basic structure for the back of the pillow cover.

Mark two points at 0.5 inches from the width.

Seam = 0.5 inch

Draw a line through these points. This line is parallel to the edge. It is also the seam line for the back of the pillow cover.

On the opposite side, mark two points at 1 inch from the edge.

Hem = 1 inch

Draw a line through these points. This will serve as the hem of the pillow cover.

Mark two points at 0.5 inches from the length.

Seam = 0.5 inch

Now, draw a line passing through these points, parallel to the length. Next, do the same on the opposite length.

Seam = 0.5 inch

These lines will serve as the seam for the length of the pillow cover.

Shade the hem and the seam with two different colours for easy identification. In this video, we have used green for the seam and pink for the hem.

Seam = green

Hem = pink

Write the pattern information as follows:

Pillow Cover

Fabric 1

Cut 1


Cut the sheet, along the pattern you have made.

You have made the pattern for the back of the pillow cover.

STEP 2: Making the front pattern.

2. Create the front pattern.

Take another sheet and lay it flat on the table.

Mark the total length as 35.5 inches at two different positions on the sheet, along the width.

Total length = 35.5 inches

Mark the width at 20.5 inches at three different positions on the sheet, along the length.

Total width = 20.5 inches

Draw a rectangle connecting all these points.

Mark two points at 1 inch from the edge of the width of one side.

Hem = 1 inch

Now, draw a line through these points, parallel to the edge. This is the hem line.

On the same side, mark two point at 3.5 inches from the hem line.

Flap length = 3.5 inches

Next, draw a line through these points, parallel to the hem line. This is the flap length of the pillow cover.

On the opposite side, mark two points at 0.5 inches from the edge.

Seam = 0.5 inch

Draw a line through these points, parallel to the edge. This is the seam line for the width.

Mark two points at 0.5 inches from the length.

Seam = 0.5 inch

Now, draw a line passing through these points, parallel to the length.

Next, do the same on the opposite length side.

Seam = 0.5 inches

Shade the hem and the seam in two different colours as done for the back of the pillow cover.

Now, write down the pattern information for the front.

Pillow Cover

Fabric 2

Cut 1


Cut the sheet along the pattern that you have made.

You have now learned to make the pattern for the front of the pillow cover.


Next video

Sikana - Stitching a garment: 3/8 how to place a pattern
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