Translated by Sahoy Cameron-Ellis
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The techniques shown in this video are easy to perform if you have an average level of cooking.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
In this video, you will learn how to cut some cooked poultry.
It will be easier to serve.
Follow these steps and you will quickly learn how to do this.
We will use a chicken in this demonstration. Feel free to replace it with the poultry bird of your choice.
You will also need a chopping board, a large knife and a spoon.
Before getting started, we removed the cooking string from the chicken,
and some skin to make it easier to cut.
Removing the thighs
First step
Removing the thighs.
Position the chicken in the direction that is most comfortable for you.
Gently slice all along the hollow area between the breast and the thigh.
Then push the thigh with the flat side of the knife, without cutting it.
You should now see the joint(s).
Slice it so that you separate the thigh from the rest of the chicken.
Turn the chicken around if you need to,
and remove the other thigh in the same way.
Taking off the chicken breasts and the wings
Second step.
Taking off the chicken breasts and the wings.
Position the chicken in the direction that is most comfortable for you.
The chicken breasts are separated into two by the keel, which goes up to the wishbone,
Cut the chicken breast following the side of the keel up to the wishbone.
Then push the chicken breast with the flat side of the knife, without cutting it.
You now see the joint(s). Slice it to separate the breast and the wing from the chicken.
Turn the chicken around if you need to,
and take off the other breast and wing the same way.
Taking off the chicken oysters.
Third step.
Taking off the chicken oysters.
Turn the carcass over (put it on its side)
Here are the chicken oysters!
Gently ease them out with a spoon.
Cutting smaller portions
Fourth step.
Cutting smaller portions.
Separate the white meat from the wing tip at the joint.
Separate the drumstick from the top of the thigh in the joint area
Don't forget to get all the little pieces of meat that are still on the carcass.
You now know how to cut a cooked poultry! Now all you have to do is taste it!
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