
Seeds of life, a movement to save the biodiversity

Seeds of life, a movement to save the biodiversity

Every plant, all living species, are a link of the chain that connects and protects us from extinction. We are currently witnessing a mass extinction of vegetables that is shaking the foundation of life upon earth. According to the UN, 75% of edible species have disappeared in less than a century.

Graines de Vie is a movement that was launched to tackle this fundamental problem. Sikana joined the movement to spread awareness on the importance of reproduction and protection of traditional seeds. Graines de vie, Sikana and a community of thousands of volunteers and passionate people collaborated to co-create an educational program.

The movement to conserve seeds is fundamental and essential. It concerns every individual on this planet. It is a question linked to our existence and therefore it is extremely important to support this movement.

<strong>Pierre Rabhi</strong>, organic farmer, ecologist and founder of the movement
<strong>Pierre Rabhi</strong>, organic farmer, ecologist and founder of the movement
Learning program created
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