In this video you will learn how to draw a pattern on a fabric.
See the video Stitching a Garment: 4/8
The pattern to draw has been pinned to the fabric in the video “Stitching a garment Part 4: How to pin a pattern”.
After the pattern is pinned on the fabric, it has to be drawn on the fabric.
Take a chalk, and start outlining the pattern from one end of the fabric.
Flatten the pattern with your other hand simultaneously as you move ahead.
Try to outline the fabric in one continuous motions, to avoid untidy lines on the fabric which may lead to inaccurate cutting of the cloth.
The pattern is first drawn on the fabric so that it can be cut accurately.
Choose the colour of the chalk carefully, such that the chalk line is easily visible on the fabric.
You have now learned to draw the pattern on the fabric.