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Regulating/adjusting stitch length

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In this video, you will learn how to regulate the stitch length.

The stitch length can be adjusted using the stitch regulator knob.

The numbers shown on the stitch regulator knob represent different stitch lengths.

The Higher the number, the larger the length of the stitch.

Higher the number, larger the stitch length.

And the Smaller the number, the smaller the length of the stitch.

Smaller the number, smaller the stitch length.

In case of thick materials, long stitches are required, for this

Rotate anti-clockwise

push down the stitch regulator lever and turn the stitch regulator knob anti-clockwise.

In case of thin materials, short stitches are required, and for this

Rotate Clockwise

turn the stitch regulator knob clockwise.

You have now learned to regulate the stitch length.


Next video

Sikana - Reverse stitching
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