Watch this short tutorial on how to use a sliding bevel.
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This step-by-step video will show you everything you need to know to use a sliding bevel to measure and recreate angles in your woodwork projects.
Music - Gilles B
How to Use a Sliding Bevel.
In this video, you will learn how to use a sliding bevel also known as a T-bevel.
It is a handy tool used to measure and mark angles on workpieces.
The sliding bevel consists of a stalk made of wood, metal or plastic, a straight-edged blade made of steel, and a thumb screw.
The two key steps are transferring an existing angle and marking a specific angle.
STEP 1: Transfering an existing angle.
Hold the instrument by the stalk using one hand and tighten the thumb screw with your free hand.
Press the inside of the stock flush against the edge of the workpiece, with the blade resting on the second side.
Now, lock it into position by retightening the thumb screw.
Ensure that the edges of the stalk and the blade are flush against the two sides of the workpiece.
Once the angle has been set, place the blade of the sliding bevel on the point where you wish to recreate it.
You can now cut the workpiece along the mark and recheck the angle with the bevel.
A sliding bevel can be used to mark dovetails.
Check out the video on 'How to Make a Dovetail Joint'.
STEP 2: Marking a specific angle.
To measure and mark exact angles, use the sliding bevel in conjunction with a protractor.
Set the sliding bevel to a required angle by placing its stock against the stock of the protractor and its blade against the base of the protractor.
You can now use the sliding bevel to reciprocate the angle on multiple workpieces.
You now know how to use a sliding bevel.