Watch this video on how to hand cut curves and hollows in woodwork using a gouge.
The target of this content are aspirants looking for vocational development to enter into the woodworking industry.
To cut a flat surface, watch our videos on bevel-edge and mortise chisels.
The step-by-step tutorial will show you everything you need to know to use a gouge safely and effectively in your woodwork projects.
Music - Gilles B
In this video, you will learn to use a Gouge.
Gouges are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, each suited to a particular job.
The Gouge is a chisel with a rounded or angular tip used to cut curves and hollows.
The tools and materials you will need are a gouge, a mallet, a vice and a workpiece.
The blade of the Gouge is attached to the wooden handle by means of a tang or socket.
The steel ring around the head helps withstand mallet blows.
The bevel of the blade is usually curved to help scoop in and out of the wood.
To adjust the depth of the cut, simply vary the angle between the blade and the surface.
Increase the angle of the blade as per desired depth.
Sway the gouge from side to side, feathering the cut through its path.
To make a cut that is deeper in the middle and lighter on the edges, work your way through the wood from both sides towards the center.
When using a mallet, give light taps to help steer the gouge, gradually extending the cut.
You have now learnt how to use a Gouge.